this is our final thriller
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Emily's Evaluation
1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of film openings)
Our thriller opening develops all the conventions of a horror opening in the following ways. Instead of our opening being a typical traditional thriller; haunted house, graveyards etc (Dracula or Frankenstein) we chose our opening to come across modern and different. Throughout our opening, there is a swap between the bathroom scenes which are currently happening, to the dark ( black and white ) forests scenes which are 'Emily's' memories. I find it very effective the way there is a large contrast between the deserted forest scenes and the domestic bathroom scenes; makes our opening a lot more interesting and different.
As you can see, to the left is a print screen image of the deserted forest used in our opening. Just by looking at this image, it sets an extremely chilling and scary atmosphere; conventional.
2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
For question 2, Instead of using the blogger, I have produced my answer in 'Prezzi' Location
Our thriller opening develops all the conventions of a horror opening in the following ways. Instead of our opening being a typical traditional thriller; haunted house, graveyards etc (Dracula or Frankenstein) we chose our opening to come across modern and different. Throughout our opening, there is a swap between the bathroom scenes which are currently happening, to the dark ( black and white ) forests scenes which are 'Emily's' memories. I find it very effective the way there is a large contrast between the deserted forest scenes and the domestic bathroom scenes; makes our opening a lot more interesting and different.
As you can see, to the left is a print screen image of the deserted forest used in our opening. Just by looking at this image, it sets an extremely chilling and scary atmosphere; conventional.
2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Below is the link ----->
3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
I am going to talk about one main institution that i believe to be relevant for distributing our thriller opening. This main institution is Revolver Entertainment.

One film that Revolver entertainment have produced is 'SKET'. Sket is an urban retribution thriller film set in East London from the makers of Shank and Anuvahood. I find that this film really relates to our thriller opening. Our target audience is also aimed at young teenagers. We want our target audience to be able to relate to our opening; Like the film 'SKET'.
Below is an image of front cover to the film 'SKET' --->

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
As a group we believe that our thriller opening is mainly aimed at young teenagers, aged between 15-18 year olds. This is due to many reasons. I find that also, our opening is aimed mostly at females, this is because our main character is female; females can relate.
We wanted our thriller opening to come across modern rather than traditional. Having a modern thriller will straight away attract young teenagers rather than people aged 40+. This is mainly because teenagers will understand more and find everything more interesting as it relates to them a lot more.
I believe that our opening links more to films such as 'SKET' and '4321' for an example. However, the film 'se7en' or 'The Grudge' defiantly do not relate to our opening simply because we have more of a modern perspective on our final product.
To the left is a screen shot is of the website 'Comparable Profile'. From looking at this image, you can see that the main age group that went to see this film is 15-24 year olds. This is basically the same as our target audience age group.
Our thriller opening is going to be a 15 certificate. This is due to the fact some violent scenes are presented. However, there are no sexual scenes or strong language used.
5. How did you attract/address your audience?
Below is the final product; our thriller opening. Annotations have been added to this video by yasz and myself.
6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
7. Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?
Personally, i find that that i have learnt many new important and useful skills from when we started making our prelims to now.
Below is our prelim task we did at the start of the year. While making this, i was new to the important techniques while filming. For example all the different types of shots to make a film interesting ( Pan shot )
While making the prelim, the skills we were told to use, were close-up, match-on-action, 180 degree rule and shot-counter-shot. For me, these were all rather new to me; never really used them before. By combining all these different techniques I learnt that it creates coherent logical flow to the action (continuity editing)
However, I still found it rather simple to get used to, and over all this project was very interesting to make as it was my first.
Watching my prelim back, straight away I can pick up a few mistakes which were made. This shows me that i have improved my ability in this area.
- An example is that, in my prelim i used a close up shot of Eloises hand on the door, to emphasize the fact she is going to open to door and is going somewhere else. On the other hand, in my Thriller opening, I used a close up shot of the girls hands to emphasize her emotions, and to add tension to the scene.
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